art fair shanghai

Kendra Troschel. SIAF exhibitor “Looking Deeper into the Thoughts and Feelings we have Every Day

Kendra, born and raised in Australia, currently living in the United Kingdom is a fourth generation artist. Drawing on inspiration from her mother’s expressive paintings, her grandfather’s abstract works and her great grandfathers involvement in the German expressionist movement, she has been fortunate to witness the power of artistic expression in shaping culture, fostering connections, and expressing ideas.

Kendra’s work is largely allegorical and biographical. Themes include capturing the intense and visceral joys of life, looking deeper into the thoughts and feelings we have every day, and exalting the hope that lights even the darkest places where our internal and external selves meet.

Her star rises quickly having exhibited in Chongqing, London, and Hamburg, collaborated in various commercial projects, Solo exhibitions and features in Aesthetica, Parnass, and CANS contemporary art Magazine. She is currently completing a Master in Fine Arts at Falmouth University.

What is so unique about your artworks? I strive to imbue my art with a sense of purpose, social and personal relevance. Themes of introspection and societal reflection through the female lens are woven through the fabric of my creations. It’s not just about what meets the eye; it’s about sparking a dialogue, provoking thought, and fostering connections between the observer and the artwork.

What drives you? The act of creation is a journey of self-discovery, a constant exploration of the depths of my emotions and nuances of the world around me.

Moreover, the desire to provoke thought and evoke emotion in others is a powerful motivator. Art has the ability to transcend boundaries, and spark conversations, which I think is just really cool.

Where do you get your inspiration? My inspiration comes from the world around me and how I interpret things. It comes from what it feels like to be a woman in the 21st century and how society and history has impact, shaped, and molded that experience.

How do you deal with artist's block? Artist’s block, or rather creativity block is difficult. For me, I find it’s best to be kind to myself. I don’t have to be constantly making. My mother once told me that you can’t make art in a vacuum and I 100% agree with this. So, when I feel a block I feed my soul. Eat good food, watch a great movie, go to a gallery.

Can you tell us what you have going on right now? I am currently completing a Master in Fine Arts and through this degree am exploring more with my art. Currently I am working on my visual language and exploring what womanhood means to me. The confusions, the ups, the downs, love, sadness, all of it.

I know my artwork is finished when…? I’m not sure how to specifically answer this (chuckles). It’s a feeling… I suppose when it feels like I don’t want to add anything else. There’s a sort of harmony between composition and colour.

Which are your favorite artists? So many! I absolutely adore Eileen Cooper, Cecily Brown, Henry Matisse… actually the whole fauvism and German expressionism movements inspire me.

Greatest achievements so far…? I had my first solo art exhibition this year (June 2023) and I was just so proud to have created a body of work that celebrated the female perspective and the little moments we have every day.

Greatest person you ever met? My husband! To have not only have met a wonderfully supportive, hard-working, funny, intelligent and inspiring man, but also my best friend is truly an amazing thing.

Website url:

Instagram: @kendratroschel


上海國際藝術博覽會帶著新的合作回歸。保留日期 2023 年 11 月 16 日至 19 日



我們很榮幸能夠參與這樣一場精彩而盛大的活動,在上海國家展覽中心舉行的為期 4 天的展覽吸引了超過 120,000 名參觀者,其中 20,000 名認真的買家、收藏家和投資者。


1) 藝術家:繪畫、攝影藝術、插圖、有限版畫、雕塑家、數字資產 (NFT)



4) 生活方式:時尚、設計師、玻璃藝術、珠寶、視頻、新媒體




