Daniela Ament - Israel

ABOUT Daniela Ament…

DANIELA AMENT – SCULPTRESS. An autodidact artist started at the age of 50, lives in Israel and exhibited all over Israel and in many places in the world like: Rome, Ferrara, Venezia and Palermo- Italy, Paris- France, NYC, Miami- USA and Vancouver- Canada. All together about 70 solo and group exhibitions. The subjects of my works derive from my life experience, driven by reflection and sensation, I choose subjects I can easily identify with, such as women, children, in more abstract forms, which serve as vehicles for the expression of sensations and ideas. 

Part of the books I features in:
Berliner 17- By Art Management Berlin.
Inspiration International Art Book.
Le Livre Des Artistes Israeliens- By La Gazette des Artes. CREATIV Artists- 100 Years to Tel- Aviv
Contemporary Artists Of The World 2008-2009-By the Museum Of The America, Florida, USA.
Current Masters v.6 book-Aretavita 
Some of the magazines and prices:
First Place- Artavita 2020  - for "First Step"
Finalist Certificate- Circle Foundation- 2023
Artistic Excellence- Circle Faoundation For The Arts2022-22023
3rd Place Award- 50th Artavita Oline art contest
First Place Award 2020 -  for "birth" – Artavita
Finalist Award 9/2022 – Artavita.

Contact: daniela.ament@gmail.com

Website: www.daniela-ament.com

"In Isolation" - Daniela Ament
"Family" - Daniela Ament
"First Step" - Daniela Ament