Barbara Palka Winek - Poland

ABOUT Barbara Palka winek…

I think that each painting should make an impression, it can not be indifferent to the viewer.
The idea of the painting is important, so that it is not just another canvas painted without sense and without purpose. There must be an idea which we illustrate by painting. I want to show the transience of a moment closed in the plane of color and penetrating the matter through light. I try to show transcendence. I was done in cycles - Screens, Woman - Imago, Stream of time.

I do not limit myself to one topic. The last cycle that has been created recently is the "Time stream". This topic arose from my interest in the Kosmos, the multidimensionality of time and space, parallel worlds. I am interested in where energy is accumulated isolated from the body.

The topics are closed in cycles that I mentioned earlier, and Obsessions and Archetypes.
They are all current, they are not finished and new paintings are created in each of these cycles.
The woman was always the dominant topic. A sensual, reflexive or obsessive woman. A woman - a flower or a woman's metamorphosis. Not a specific person but a woman. This topic appeared at the very beginning of my artistic work and has remained very important to me today. Over the years, this subject has undergone numerous transformations - female obsessions, sensuality, women flowers, women imago, archetypes of a woman.

I paint with oil and acrylic paints. For a long time I was looking for a transparent medium that would allow me to show the penetration of planes, the three dimensionality that is so intriguing to me. A soft, transparent medium resembling a plasma.
After many years of work, it seems that I have achieved the goal - the fluidity and softness of biological forms combined with a hard, massively marked plane - the imagination of non-being (nonentity).

Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow at the Faculty of Painting in the studios of professors: Szancenbach, Brzozowski and Buczek. Diploma in 1983. Her painting is characterized by searching and experimenting with form and painting matter of the picture. It is important 
to paint technology improved and enriched by own experience, and even lead to the development of its own technology. She works in cycles that complement each other and, as a result, create a full scale of her feelings and experiences.

Major Exhibitions:
I exhibited several times in Paris, London and New York, in Manhattan (Agora Gallery,
Ward-Nasse Gallery, Brodway Gallery, NY Art Fair). I took part in the Florence Biennale, London Biennale, and Tokyo Biennale.

Major Awards:
Artis Laudabilis - The Europa Authentica Cultural Organization, Budapest, 2009, Oscar della Cultura - Florence, 2014, Marco Polo International
Prize - Venice, 2015, Roma Imperiale International Prize - Rome, 2015, Sandro Botticelli Prize - Florence, 2015, Primo Delle Arti
"Donato Bramante" - Rome, 2015, Laudato Magister Honoriscausa Della Biennale Internazionale D'Arte "Barocco Slaention - Accademia Italoa In Arte Nel Mondo,
Brindisi, 2020.

